Pair Work speeds up your access to the French Defence and Security market.
For you, Pair Work:
Anticipates trends in operations
Grasps emerging needs
Analyzes use cases
Benchmarks alternatives
Offers local content
Sheds light on decision-making processes
Markets your solutions
Fosters high value-added projects
Paves the way for contract
Alone or in collaboration with high-level experts, Pair Work produces prospective studies, focused on naval capabilities.
To fuel thinking, Pair Work:
Identifies breakthroughs and continuities
Keeps in mind unchanging laws
Determines threats and opportunities
Evaluates tomorrow’s issues to shed light on long-term decisions
Pierre established Pair Work in the wake of his naval career.
Experienced seafarer, he has a strong and updated operational background.
Pair Work's creativity is rooted in reality, customer-centric and performance-oriented.
At your disposal.